After successful Moving Targets projects at Retort Art Space and Punt WG, both in Amsterdam, visual artists Karin Bos & Erik Wuthrich are invited by the Zuiderzee Museum in Enkhuizen to live and work there as artists-in-residence for one month.
One of the large museum rooms will function as their artists' studio and the visitors are welcome to see the artists at work and interact with them. The museum is open daily from 10.00 to
17.00h. Both artists will live in one of the old fishing houses at the outdoor museum. The theme will be 'water'.
This special project starts on Tuesday July 17th of 2012 and the last day will be Sunday August 12th of 2012.
This blog will function as a diary.
Next to this exhibition/workproject Karin Bos & Erik Wuthrich are participating in the current group exhibition The Colour of Water at the museum which runs from April 13th 2012 until October 28th 2012.
Sculpture by Erik Wuthrich at Zuiderzee Museum, part of The Colour of Water exhibition 2012. Erik Wuthrich, untitled, glass and acrylics, 90 x 65 x 60 cm, 2011 |
Work on paper by Karin Bos at Zuiderzee Museum, part of
The Colour of Water exhibition 2012. Karin Bos, Safe Haven, watercolour and charcoal on paper, 80 x 110 cm, 2011 |
July 10th 2012: Today Erik went to his studio in Maarsbergen to prepare the basic shape of the pond sculpture he wants to work on at the museum. Karin is in her Amsterdam studio collecting paintings from her stock room connected to the theme water for a studio exhibition at the museum. Also, she is shopping for canvas, paper, etc. to create new works at the museum.
The Amsterdam studio of Karin Bos |
July 11th: Karin visits the Maritime Museum with its VOC ship in Amsterdam to get in the mood. |
July 12th: Erik makes a mold for casting the polyurethane for his pond sculpture.
Digging in the sand. |
Creating a mold. |
Expanding polyurethane is very powerfull stuff. |
July 14th: It rained so hard in Amsterdam that the ceiling came down!!!! What a way to get in the mood for our Water art project...!!
A reminder of the power of water... |
July 17: The first day of the artist-in-residency project! We have two major transports: Karin arrives at the museum around noon with a car full of paintings and materials, and Erik arrives at 3pm with a van with sculptures and tools.
During lunch Tanja Koopen, reporter of the Noord Hollands Dagblad (newspaper) interviews Karin Bos and Femke van Drongelen, the project leader at Zuiderzee Museum. |
Erik arrives with the van, we don't need a work out at the gym anymore after this.. |
Unwrapping the art works |
The first curious visitors |
... and again: do not feed the artist... |
July 18: We slept like babies, discovered where the shower house is, and started fresh and clean in our spacious museum room at 10 pm sharp.
The studio view from Erik's perspective |
The painter gets the best light. (Biggest windows.) |
While we settled, Anna Spek from ING Art Management filmed us for a DVD. |
The studio from Karin's point of view. |
Happy painter at work |
Leonie from the compagny Acrylic One came to visit the show and told Erik that they will sponsor his new sculpture by providing material. Super! |
Yep, that's us |
en in het Nederlands |
The walls are not suitable for hanging paintings, so we have lots of easels to fill. |
The installing of the latest sculpture by Erik Wuthrich, called TIME, is almost ready. The bottom piece has to float above the floor as well. |
These two sculptures were made by Erik Wuthrich during the last Moving Targets exhibition/working project at Punt WG in Amsterdam. |
Todays newspaper! (Noord Hollands Dagblad, July 18 2012). But who is this guy Lutrek? |