donderdag 3 mei 2012

Exhibition and working period NEAR MISS at Punt WG

After a successful project at Retort Art Space Moving Targets is invited by Punt WG to do a “The Other Eye 2.0” in Amsterdam. From April 17 till May 6 2012 sculptor Erik Wuthrich and painter Karin Bos work and exhibit at Punt WG. They named this project NEAR MISS. A ´near miss´ is an unplanned event that did not result in injury, illness or damage – but had the potential to do so. Both artists create new work at Punt WG while the public is welcome to interact. 
invitation flyer
Punt WG proves to be a good location for such a project. It is centrally located at the Wilhelmina Gasthuis square and looks over a park where children play. It is possible to keep the doors open and even place the sculptures-in-progress outside, which invites the public to walk in. The Wilhelmina Gasthuis is a former hospital, but nowadays there are over a hundred artists studios which makes it a creative area. During the opening event on April 19 both guest artists interact with some of the residential “WG” artists.
work-in-progress by sculptor Erik Wuthrich at Punt WG

Erik Wuthrich makes organic shaped abstract sculptures by manipulating physical processes such as expansion and solidification while he plays with gravity, movement, rhythm, color and light using materials such as glass and acrylics. At Punt WG he builds up his sculptures by using pur foam, and stones he finds in the park.

April 24 2012

Karin Bos creates paintings and work on paper which show people in filmic scenes. She makes use of suggestion to evoke suspense. By stepping out her daily routine at Punt WG, the location and its people might feature in her next body of work. The tree near the Punt WG studio inspires her to draw and paint over the "Boommeisje"(tree girl) screenprints from 2011. 

Karin Bos - mixed media on paper

On April 28 a successful art event with food, vinyl records, drinks and balloons takes place at the studio.

Nobody wants to leave the art party, only the balloons keep trying to escape.

Karin Bos - The Frog - watercolour on paper - created at Punt WG studio

April 30 2012: Queensday in Amsterdam. The exhibition space is closed, but Karin Bos spots interesting people on the streets and takes pictures which function as source material to create new work.

May 1 2012: Work-in-progress Queensday Fairy-Queen by Karin Bos
May 2 2012: Queensday Fairy-Queen by Karin Bos

On Sunday May 6 2012 the project will end. The public is invited to see the results during the finissage party which starts at 4pm. Welcome!

Open: Tuesday to Friday from 2pm till 7 pm and by appointment.
Address: Punt WG, entrance at WG Plein, Amsterdam.
Special closing event: Sunday May 6 2012 from 4pm till 6pm.