In 2010 arts magazine HTV de IJsberg celebrates its 15th anniversary! A good excuse to dive into my personal archives, being one of the editors. This was first published in HTV issue 62 in 2006.
Save a Melting Iceberg in One Day
initiated by Karin Bos
On Friday January the 27th 2006 the HTV organized an art party at OT301 in Amsterdam. This fundraising event “Save a Melting Iceberg in One Day” was a one-day exhibition of 165 small works on paper donated by 75 artists. The show contained drawings, prints, photography, painting, c-prints and even embroidery. All the art works were for sale to benefit arts magazine the HTV. It was “cash and carry” for only 25 euros a piece, so the visitors could shop until they dropped. At the end of the evening there were lots of empty spots and red dots, which was very satisfying to all of us.
Next to the exhibition it was also possible to crash on one of the cushions on the floor to relax and enjoy the visuals or hang out and drink a beer at the bar, listen to a performance of the band Les Bif-Tecs, dance to the DJ’s or join the live drawing performance by Carline Huge. She cut off a bit of hair of the participants to make pencils. With those personal pencils she drew their portraits on a large piece of paper which grew into a major group portrait. A raffle at the end of the party decided which participant was the lucky one to take it home. The benefit was such a success that it will become an annual event. We hope to see you again!
The HTV wants to thank the following artists who have generously donated their artworks to “Save a Melting Iceberg in One Day”:
David Almeida, Frank M Ammerlaan, Joke Baas, Bart de Baets, Tiers Bakker, Claire Begheyn, Susanne Boger, Marieke Bolhuis, Marjan Borsjes, Karin Bos, Alice Brasser, Atti vd Brink, Suzanne de Bruin, Pyke Burger, Sam Drukker, Evelien Ebens, Marieke van Enk, Wim Elzinga, Pietsjanke Fokkema, Philip Vincent Fokker, Severin Frank, Melle Hammer, Yutaka Hoshino, Anna Hoetjes, Thea Hoogervorst, Allard van Hoorn, Simone Hooymans, Els ter Horst, Carline Huge, Remy Jungerman, Yasmijn Karhof, Lotte Klaver, Lucienne Kleverlaan, Johan Knibbe, Bart Koetsier, Helga Kos, Eva Krause, Sandra Kruisbrink, Marc Kuyper, Kaisa Lassinaro, Wilfried Lansink, Heidi Linck, Rudy J. Luijters, Tine Melzer, Nienke vd Meulen, Astrid Moors, Thomas Monses, Reiko Nak, Paul Nassenstein, Cadine Navarro, Adrienne Norman, Regio Matsuma, Viola Onderdelinden, Ingrid Pasmans, Eyal Pinkas, Jennifer Protas, Mischa Rakier, Serge Romza, Martijn Sandberg, Marguerite van Sandick, Harald Schole, Danne van Schoonhoven, Hinke Schreuders, Carlos Silva, Inez Smit, Nicky Smout, Dodog Soeseno, Katarina Sonnewend, Niels Staal, Roos Stallinga, Iva Supic, Erin Tjin A Ton, Michelle-Aimée van Tongerloo, Marli Turion, Tjarda van Vugt, Charlotte Wandt, Aimee Zitolema, Zoot en Genant.
At the door
DJ Middle of the Road
Les Bif-Tecs
Live drawing performance by Carline Huge

The 'cash and carry' desk
The exhibition

The exhibition
VJ Suzanne de Bruin